Children of men intro analysis

The use of sound in Children Of Men

The opening moments of Children of Men have a lot of importance to set the scene and mood of the entire movie. The use of sound in this scene really helps the viewer build up an idea of what this movie is going to be about. This report will break down the dialogue, the sound effects and the music of this scene.

The dialogue in this scene is actually very small. There is not a lot of interactions between characters other than the main character asking for a black coffee. The news reports are where the viewer’s get their main source of information from. This actually happens before there is any picture. The news reports talk about a siege of Seattle; how Muslims are urging the army to leave their mosques, British borders remaining closed (inferring that immigrants are not welcome) and shockingly of all, the youngest boy in the world was killed. As the scene continues we find out that the boy was only 18 meaning that there are no babies in the world anymore and gives viewers the question ,what has happened to babies and fertility?.  The news reports in this opening scene contain a lot of information that is crucial to the rest of the movie. As mentioned before it gives a lot of questions to viewers and it gives the impression that the world is in ruins and nothing is good anymore, not unlike what is happening today.

Sound effects
The sound effects in this scene are quite realistic. Everything sounds as you would think it would sound and it proves that the sound is very naturalistic. The transition of the sound from indoors to outdoors is also immersive because that is how it would sound in real life. The explosion at the end of the scene is also extremely realistic. The ringing sound from the blast resembles the sounds that people have reported to have heard. The sound effects from this scene depict what this is going to be about and it reveals a the world to be dirty and a sense of grit. 

The music in this scene is diegetic since the people in the scene can hear the music being played. Its tribute music as the youngest person in the world dies. The music used is the same music used in the rest of the movie. Its a holy/angelic music which represent the innocence of children. 

In conclusion the use of sound in Children of Men is used to create a dystopian theme across the first scene. The overall use of sound effects, dialogue and music all combine to make a depressing mood over London. The explosion only solidifies what the rest of this movie will most likely be about. Misery and hatred in London.


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